Author Archives: Laura

Bernadette + JP’s Portrait Shoot

These two lovely people will be Mr and Mrs very soon (and we are very excited about their wedding!).  We had a fun morning wandering around Avenham Park in Preston, there was lots of laughter and a few pictures… Aren’t they cute?!  Thanks Bernadette and JP! x

The 2 week makeover challenge

We have been M.I.A for a few weeks while we manically try to decorate our new house before moving day (Thursday), so apologies to everyone who has had snail like responses to their emails! Dads ROCK! We just stood around drinking tea and watched in awe as my dad ripped out the kitchen 🙂


Last week we drove down to London to visit Pete’s bro, meet up with a bunch of photographers from around the country, and generally have some fun!  Here are some snaps of our trip, taken on a 5D mkII, a Canon G9 and an iphone with the Hipstamatic app 🙂 Yes, Pete is in fact...

Featured in Wedding Magazine!

I love magazines excessively, I always have a pile of them not too far away.  I was very excited to add the June/July issue of Wedding Magazine to that pile, as Rachel and Julian’s fabulous Moroccan wedding was featured!  Here are a gazillion pictures of it…

Gemma + Ryan are getting married

We went for a lovely stroll around Rivington Barn today with Gemma and Ryan, who are tying the knot there in a few weeks.  We are so excited about their wedding, it’s going to be fun and relaxed – just the way we like it!  Also they are very photogenic, look… Love this one…  ...

Assistant Pete!

While we both think of ourselves as the ‘main photographer’ I also find my lovely husband Pete to be a fabulous assistant at weddings, he gets me diet coke from the bar, passes me lenses (when not trying to steal them) and holds the reflector when I need some instant sunshine 🙂  When our fellow...

Lawsons about town

This week I took some pictures of Pete…     …then I bought some lipstick… …then I resumed my position on the ‘reading chair’… Good times!

Rock my rainy day

Last weekend we spent a lovely (and rather rainy) day with the gals behind fabulous wedding blog Rock My Wedding.  We are such massive fans of this site; it’s full of inspirational stuff for people planning their big day; it’s even great for those who are already married and just like pretty things and make...

ABOUT Pete + Laura

Naturally drawn to expressions of laughter and love. The Lawsons are award winning wedding photographers.


Based in Lancashire and travelling all over the UK capturing gorgeous weddings.


Adlington, Lancashire
United Kingdom